Alqvimia Bust Firming Body Oil 100 ml. Specific treatment body oil effectively reaffirming sagging breasts while moisturizes and softens the skin, restoring its beauty.
Bust PFT also in capsules as a dietary supplement indicated for women to increase the volume of their breasts., Wish to reaffirm their breasts (chest fallen, flabby ...) after pregnancy and lactancia.Consulte all indications in the description. WORLD NUT
Hilefarma Mas Bust, is a dietary supplement indicated for women who want to strengthen chest so natutal, recover breast firmness. Hops has in his composition, natural soy extract, mixed cereals (buckwheat, oats, barley, rye, corn and malt) dietary fiber. Manufactured by Hilefarma
INDICACIONES: Prevenci y tratamiento de la flacidez por p_rdida de peso, embarazo, exceso de exposici al sol, falta de ejercicio y envejecimiento. Indicada para la p_rdida de elasticidad y la sequedad de los senos y el cuerpo. Protege del envejecimiento...
Perfect bust is a firming serum for the breasts indicated for post pregnancy and lactation, so they need firming breasts, flabby. topical. WORLD NUT chest and cleavage.
Bust serum is a product for firming the breasts naturally, without cirurgia. The effectiveness of this product has been tested in a double blind clinical trial "Double Blind". Suitable for over 18 years. Manufactured by Hilefarma.